Publications, Presentations, and Awards -
Lauren Klayman
Klayman, L. & Swencionis, C. (2012). The Relationship between Race, Spirituality, Religiosity and Depression Among Black Men with Prostate Cancer. Poster proposal presented at the 9th Annual Yeshiva University Behavioral Sciences Student Research Conference, Bronx, NY
Klayman, L. & Swencionis, C. (2011). Performance of Identity and the Use of Facebook. Poster proposal presented at the 8th Annual Yeshiva University Behavioral Sciences Student Research Conference, Bronx, NY.
Revenson, T.A., & Klayman, L. Does congruence in coping matter? A systematic review of research on couples coping with cancer. Invited talk: International Meeting on Stress and Coping in Close Relationships: New Theoretical and Empirical Insights. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-19, 2010.
Berkson, S., Klayman, L., Rappaport, L., Cohen, L., Fox, S., Galynker, I. (2009). Neurobiologic Correlates of Low Plan/Impulsive Suicide Attempt: A review. Poster presented at the 163rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, LA.